I have spent a lot of time in my head.
So long. Working things out. Figuring out who I am, what drives me. What I’m passionate about. Thinking about the best way to say something, the most efficient way to act or do or make.
I get so far into my head. I get stuck there.
It takes me a long time, longer than most people I think, to move from thought into action.
I build things up to be much bigger than they are, to take more time than I’d actually need if I just sat down and did them. I’ve always done things last minute– and I’d hate to label myself a procrastinator, but that’s my process and it always has been.
Sometimes we need to knock the wind out of ourselves. We need to put pen to paper, to light the match, to get out of bed, to make the hard choice, to quit the job, to end the relationship. None of these things are the same, but we have to push ourselves past the deliberation of the mind in order to do them.
There is such value in thinking. But get out of your head and off your ass.
This message is as much for me as it is for you.
The line between letting an idea marinate and choosing to procrastinate on something is a very, very thin one. Waiting can be helpful– it can be the germination time you need. But we get away too often with putting off our great ideas by saying we’re not ready.
We might not feel ready, but we could give ourselves the gift of momentum if we’d only get started.
The idea in your head does not need a name, it does not need a label. Not right now. Right now, it just needs for you to get started.
Let go of the thought that you have to be anything close to perfect, because you aren’t. You are uniquely flawed and it is beautiful.
Trust that you’ll have days when you don’t know anything, when you’re drained of your idea. There will be late nights when you have to figure it out, when it’s a puzzle you don’t have the pieces to, when it doesn’t make sense or fit together the way you might have imagined.
Embarking on a new project, idea or chapter is dynamic and will be, regardless of when you start. This isn’t a reason to wait. Get out of your head.
Photos by Ali V.
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