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Hi, I'm Erin!
I am a photographer passionate about the outdoors, meaningful travel, creativity and intention in all things. I hope to use my platform online to show the beauty and complexity of the world we live in, and to encourage genuine connection to the world and all the magic within it.
Over the past few years, I have had the pleasure of meeting many amazing and inspiring women on Instagram. And I’ll be honest that in the beginning, most of the women I followed looked very much like me.
The thing is, if diversity is truly one of your values, then your belief should absolutely extend to your Instagram feed.
These are some of my favorite women to follow for inspiration in travel, the outdoors, photography, advocacy, leadership and life. They also happen to be women of color.
They are travel bloggers, photographers, athletes, adventurers and business coaches. Some of them are friends, some I have talked to online, and some probably had no idea I existed until now. 🙃
If you are looking for inspiration, these gals are serving it up by the ton, every day.
If you enjoy travel and are not following Glo, please advise what rock you have been living under, you need to get on that! Glo’s adventurous outlook on life is contagious, her sense of humor relatable, and her writing refreshingly honest. When Glo tackles a more serious topic, which she does often, she does so in an educational manner with a humorous flair. Glo’s posts always leave me feeling inspired, or give me something to think about, or both.
Since finding Sienna on Instagram a couple of months ago, she has become someone I look forward to seeing in my feed every day. Her stories are always injected with positivity and productivity–– helpful and necessary reminders for me as a freelancer. Sienna is an ex-pat currently living the digital nomad life in Spain, and she talks a lot about creating a life you love wherever you want to base yourself. Overall she is a ray of sunshine. If you love motivating and inspirational content, check her out!
I met Ashleigh last summer through our mutual friend Len Necefer of NativesOutdoors. I enjoy following her for her colorful images and personal reflections from her time spent outdoors. Ashleigh is a runner, hiker, climber, and she writes beautifully. I have learned a lot from her honest perspective as a Native woman in the outdoors, especially when it comes to recreation.
You will rarely find a photo of Paola without her camera. Paola’s work is a kaleidoscope of streets, windows, and fleeting glances from strangers. Her work makes the viewer feel as though they are peering into a private world. She is truly talented, and someone I look up to when it comes to travel photography.
Stephanie’s work is a breath of fresh air and a tall glass of cold water in one. In her images, she captures moments and emotion so well. They carry a sense of thick nostalgia that makes you wonder if you lived inside that moment in a dream once… or was it real life after all? Stephanie’s writing is vulnerable, gritty, and unapologetic. Seeing things through Stephanie’s eyes is a treat, and a multidimensional one at that.
Lee’s photos transport me across the world. I love that her feed is a mix of photos of her, food/views, and the people she meets along the way. She travels to and writes about many locations I don’t see tons of travel bloggers visiting (especially in Africa, but not exclusively)–– her intention with this to challenge society’s assumptions and stereotypes. The respect she has for the places she visits and people she meets is obvious through her thoughtful photography and captions, as is her attention to detail. An added plus: her outfits are always incredible.
Ari and I met when she came as a participant on my Greece adventure last summer, and wow were we lucky to have her. Think of Ari as your virtual supportive friend who will give you a hug and make you smile when you need it most. Online, she shares her journey of living abroad in Thailand and finding purpose, meaning and gratitude along the way.
I started following Faith about a year ago when she became one of Columbia’s new Directors of Toughness, traveling the world on serious expeditions and testing their gear. Faith is frequently on the trail, and her Instagram stories remind and motivate me to go outside and get moving. In addition to photos and IG stories of her adventures, Faith shares her journey in writing, from reflections on her athletic accomplishments to discussing the many layers of privilege people in the outdoor industry need to unpack. She’ll give you something to think about and some motivation while she’s at it.
Noël has one of the most beautiful hearts I have encountered in this crazy online world. Her photos are lovely, but it is Noël’s writing that will really move you. Her storytelling is soft and nourishing. Her words are intentional and their meanings are deep–– she muses on everything from her connection to nature and God, to her family and ancestry, to her life and her work at a homeless shelter. I deeply admire Noël for her kindness and strength: both obvious in anything she posts.
I first encountered Jinna’s work a few years ago when she traveled the world with a life-size cardboard cutout of her father as a tribute to his life. From there I was inspired and motivated by Jinna’s writing, which continues to be uplifting and supporting whatever she writes about. Her photos are crisp, cool and clean; I especially admire her underwater and abstract images. Jinna’s perspective is unique, always finding light without ever having to invalidate the darkness.
Valeria is a blogger focused on making her lifestyle as sustainable as possible. I met her on a retreat in Costa Rica, and her passion and commitment to an eco-friendly life is incredibly contagious and encouraging. She is always sharing her favorite tips, products, and thoughts about living more consciously. Valeria proves that it is possible to create a life you love in a sustainable way.
This woman is on fire. Jessica has traveled to (easily) over 100 countries and territories, writing and sharing her vibrant photos along the way. She also foundedJet Black, a travel agency that creates trips and curates itineraries to countries in Africa, Central and South America, and the Caribbean. On Instagram, you will find Jessica’s photos and captions to be bold, full of life, and unapologetically real. Her posts are lively reminders to keep pursuing the life you want on purpuse.
Karin lovingly shares her adventures in the outdoors and in the realm of advocacy–– the non-profit she founded, Get Out, Stay Out, seeks to get kids, especially kids of color, exploring outside. Karin’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion in the outdoor industry is both important and inspiring, and something we can all learn from.
Holly is a photographer with a talent for capturing the perfect moment. Her images tell personal stories, challenge stereotypes, and inspire connection. Holly’s work has inspired me to push myself in travel photography, and to share the images that feel more raw and real to me. Though her photography can be serious, Holly’s Instagram stories usually aren’t. Pro tip: Don’t watch them anywhere it might be inappropriate to burst out laughing.
If you are involved in the outdoor community, I sure hope you have heard of Ambreen. Though her feed is full of lovely outdoor scenes, it is her vulnerable and candid writing that I enjoy most. Ambreen shares openly about her experiences in the outdoors: positive, challenging, peaceful, whatever it might be. And she doesn’t only share her own opinions, but objective truths that are important for people of every background to read and consider.
I recently stumbled across Thurka’s Instagram account and found myself cracking up watching her story highlights. She is a filmmaker and educator, and is also definitely one of those people who seems to do just about everything (how this is physically possible, I’m not sure). Thurka’s videos on YouTube shine a (very funny) light on her culture and personal experiences. I am looking forward to following more of Thurka’s adventures!
Melise is a rock climber, and though I am not a climber myself, it would be hard to not appreciate the photos she shares of her outdoor accomplishments. But what I love most about Melise’s feed is how openly she shares about her journey, whether she is talking about mentorship, inspiration, failure, representation for women and POC, or her challenges and accomplishments in a scientific field. I guarantee you will find something to relate to in what Melise so graciously shares.
There are so many epic groups celebrating WOC on Instagram. Here just a few, some women-specific and some not:
If you’re interested in travel, the outdoors, artistic expression, or want to learn more about photography, you’re in the right place. I’m an adventure trip leader turned photographer, passionate about learning & sharing the real stories from the places I visit (real or imagined).
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