What is the Exposure Triangle in Photography?

In photography, the “Exposure Triangle” refers to the relationship between shutter speed, ISO, and aperture. It can be confusing, especially if you’re just starting out in photography! There are plenty of very technical, physics-based, detailed articles out there about the Exposure Triangle. This guide is not that. 🙂 I would prefer you understand the concepts, […]

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Astrophotography and Stargazing in West Texas

Canyons, red rocks, juniper in the breeze, and wide open skies– I didn’t know I would find all of these things and more in West Texas. Passing businesses like the “It’ll Do Motel” and “This n That (Mostly That),” we found an abundance of charm during the day and glittering stars at night. Comanche and […]

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Miniature Photography: Creating an arctic wonderland with fabric

In the past year, I have photographed miniatures more than any other subject. I have been meaning to write a blog post about the success of Our Great Indoors– my quarantine personal project, and now a specialization of mine– and I promise, I will soon, but for now I’m highlighting one collaboration I recently worked […]

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Beginner’s Guide to Astrophotography

If you’ve ever looked at a beautiful photo of the Milky Way and wondered… but… how?!… this post is for you! I know this genre of photography can feel intimidating, but trust me, you do not need to own a fancy telescope or have a ton of technical knowledge to create photos of the night […]

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learning underwater photography

Beginner’s Guide to Underwater Photography

When it comes to learning a new skill, especially if that skill has to do with technology, I’ve found myself easily intimidated. Underwater photography definitely fell into that category for me, and from plenty of other people too, if my DM’s are any indication. 😉 I have wanted to learn to shoot underwater since I […]

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On the Next Chapter: Moving to Greece

I’m writing from a 4th floor apartment in Athens on a cloudy winter afternoon. I’ve thought about this exact moment for years, wondered what it would look and feel like to spend a longer, indefinite period of time here. My first visit to Greece was in the summer of 2012, when I was working as […]



What is the Exposure Triangle in Photography?

In photography, the “Exposure Triangle” refers to the relationship between shutter speed, ISO, and aperture. It can be confusing, especially if you’re just starting out in photography! There are plenty of very technical, physics-based, detailed articles out there about the Exposure Triangle. This guide is not that. 🙂 I would prefer you understand the concepts, […]



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So many people say they want to be a travel photographer, but have no idea where to start. Get my free guide and learn five ways to get started today!

How To Get Started in Travel Photography

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